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12 Zodiak Dalam Lingkungan Pertemanan

Aries :

Dengan teman sangat bergantung, mudah membuat orang sebal.

Taurus :

Paling suka bergaul, kepada siapaun bisa berdusta tanpa bersalah.

Gemini :

Menyendiri tidak suka orang, menekan pasangan sampai menyusahkan diri sendiri.

Cancer :

Berbakat membujuk dan menenangkan orang lain, sampai menyusahkan diri sendiri.

Leo :

Teman sangat banyak, tapi tidak ada satupun yang akrab.

Virlgo :

Dengan lawan jenis sangat ramah,dengan sejenis cuek sekali.

Libra :

Penjaga rahasia, tidak bisa membocorkan rahasia orang lain.

Scorpio :

Dengan teman sangat ramah dan perhatian, tapi juga sangat pendendam.

Sagitaurus :

Bicara ceplas ceplos mudah bersitegang dengan teman.

Capricornus :

Didalam pertemanan bersikap pasif.

Aquarius :

Kepribadian lebih arogan cuek, mudah nenyinggung orang.

Pisces :

Paling mendapat sambutan pasangan curhat yang baik, tapi juga zodiak yang sering dimanfaatkan dan dikelabui orang.

Peruntungan Shio Naga Tahun 2009: Orang Budiman Akan Mengangkat Anda, Dengan Keuletan Menjebol Rintangan

Memasuki tahun kerbau, selain ada peningkatan kesehatan, dalam karir dan peruntungan materi agak menurun, berbagai aral-lintang datang menghambat dan menghantam semangat juang, untungnya tahun ini dalam lingkup takdir tampak ada bantuan dari orang budiman berkarakter “Tai Yin" (rembulan), agar anda dalam perlawanan terhadap situasi runyam memperoleh peluang bernafas sejenak.

Karir & Pekerjaan

Di dalam bidang pekerjaan ada pengangkatan dari wanita budiman yang memberi Anda peluang mengoptimalkan potensi Anda. Namun perkembangannya mungkin sulit sesuai yang diharapkan, malah mudah gagal pada pertengahan jalan, senantiasa merasakan perencanaan tidak dapat mengejar perubahan. Terdapat karakter pasif dan patah semangat, mudah terpancing gossip/issue, sehingga urusan runyam semakin membelit diri, membuat karir terperosok dalam situasi menyulitkan, dibutuhkan keuletan yang kokoh untuk menjebol rintangan.

Manajemen Keuangan & Investasi

Pada tahun ini meskipun dapat memperoleh laba, juga akan terjadi musibah yang menggerogoti uang Anda, harta datang dan pergi, berupa sebuah suka cita yang sia-sia.

Asmara & Perkawinan

Bagi Anda yang sudah menikah, bila dapat saling peduli dengan cinta yang tulus, kebahagiaan dalam perkawinan dapat terjaga. Bagi yang punya kekasih, ada banyak waktu untuk berkencan, kebersamaan berjalan harmonis dan menyenangkan, hubungan perasaan manis dan hangat. Bagi Anda yang masih bujangan, jodoh untuk tahun ini belum tiba, masih tetap menyendiri di atas jalur asmara.

Kesehatan & Kehidupan

Pada dasarnya di tahun kerbau semuanya berjalan selamat, tak ada musibah dan tak ada sakit. Kaum manula pada bulan 8 dan 11 kalender Imlek, daya tahan tubuh agak berkurang, sering merasa gelisah, mudah terkena masuk angin dan flu. Bagi kaum muda, gejala kurang tidur menjadi parah, sehingga sulit mengkonsentrasikan semangat dan mempengaruhi prestasi pekerjaan. Tahun ini harus berjaga-jaga terhadap musibah yang menyebabkan pengeluaran darah. Berhati-hatilah, bahkan sering minum air putih juga bisa berakibat kelebihan berat badan.

Arah Mujur: Tenggara, timur laut, selatan.

Arah sial: barat laut, utara.

Warna mujur: Merah, coklat, kuning.

Warna sial: Hijau dan hitam.

Angka mujur: 4 dan 6.

Resep Membuka Peruntungan:

1. Mengenakan atau meletakkan batu giok berukir ayam sebagai benda mujur.

2. Di arah barat laut ruang tamu letakkan amethyst, di sisi barat ruang tidur letakkan White Crystal atau sebuah formasi berbentuk 7 bintang.

Peruntungan Shio Kelinci 2009

Orang ber-shio Kelinci memasuki tahun kerbau, aneka ragam bahaya mengancam, di satu sisi tiada bantuan dari bintang rejeki, di sisi lain terlihat banyak bintang sial menyanggong, pekerjaan sulit diharapkan berhasil dengan baik, tetapi juga lantas tidak boleh pasif dan menyerah begitu saja, seharusnya menanti sambil menyimpan energi, kumpulkan pengalaman, di saat nasib baik tiba, bisa membentangkan sayap untuk terbang tinggi. Oleh karena itu pada tahun berjalan ini harus defensif berjalan selangkah demi selangkah, dibarengi cermat dan ekstra hati-hati.

Karir Dan Pekerjaan:

Tahun ini dalam lingkup takdir minim bintang rejeki, tiada bantuan dari pihak manapun, dalam bidang pekerjaan sulit ada terobosan, bahkan rintangan berlapis-lapis dan bekerja tak membawa hasil. Tahun ini bisadikarenakan kesalahan dalam dinas sehingga menimbulkan kerunyaman, yang ringan adalah mendapat teguran dari atasan, yang berat dapat menimbulkan perkara gugatan yang harus diselesaikan melalui jalur hukum.

Manajemen Keuangan & Investasi:

Oleh karena di bidang karir muncul hambatan yang berlapis-lapis, pedapatan dari sisi formal tak mampu menghasilkan peningkatan. Tahun ini dalam lingkup takdir minim bintang rezeki; pemasukan dari hasil sampingan maupun hasil tak terduga(rezeki nomplok) sulit diharapkan, maka sebagai investor harus cermat dan hati-hati, sama sekali tak boleh hanya karena mengejar keuntungan jangka pendek lantas berspekulasi, jangan-jangan bakal menyesal di kemudian hari.

Asmara & Perkawinan:

Bagi yang sudah menikah berkeluarga, kadang kala karena masalah putra-putri dan pengeluaran keluarga bisa terjadi perselisihan. Pasangan yang sedang berpacaran mesra sering kali dikarenakan hal sepele terjerumus dalam perang dingin, sehingga jarang berkumpul dan lebih sering berpisah, ada ancaman terjadi perpisahan. Bagi yang masih single, tak ada jalan lain kecuali menanti perjodohan yang baik.

Kesehatan & Kehidupan:

Tahun ini lingkup takdir bertemu bintang sial yang akan mempengaruhi anda, bahkan kesehatan keluarga anda. Selain harus menghindari luka yang tak terduga, juga harus meluangkan banyak waktu untuk memedulikan kesehatan keluarga anda, dengan selamat melewati tahun kerbau ini. Merupakan pantangan berkunjung ke orang meninggal atau orang sakit.

Arah Mujur: Barat laut, selatan, timur laut.

Arah Sial: Barat, utara.

Warna Mujur: Merah, coklat, kuning.

Warna Sial: Abu-abu, biru.

Angka Mujur: 6 dan 8.

Resep Membuka Keberuntungan:

1. Pelihara panjang kuku jari kelingking melebihi sendi ketiga jari manis, dan pelihara dua ekor ikan petarung di atas meja kerja.

2. Dengan beraktivitas mendatangkan Qi makmur: Ubah model rambut, merenovasi rumah tinggal, letakkan patung ayam tembaga.

Whs 130209 (Dajiyuan.com)

Peruntungan Shio Macan Tahun 2009: Dengan Tekad yang Teguh Menyongsong Tantangan

Menginjak tahun sapi, peruntungan orang ber-shio Macan separo baik dan separo buruk. Karir dan perolehan laba tidak begitu sesuai yang diharapkan, bintang gelap dalam lingkup takdir terutama menyerang titik lemah karakter Anda, oleh karena itu bekerja harus ekstra hati-hati, jika tidak, sedikit saja teledor, dapat terjatuh ke dalam perangkap. Jika mampu dengan tekad yang teguh dan sikap yang rendah hati menyongsong tantangan, maka peluang untuk sukses agak besar.

Karir dan Pekerjaan

Pada tahun berjalan ini dalam lingkup takdir akan menjumpai bintang “matahari” berupa orang budiman kelas satu, yang akan berperan memberi sokongan besar dalam karir dan masa depan, bintang mujur bersifat maskulin, oleh karena itu orang budiman tersebut bisa saja atasan anda yang berjenis kelamin pria, famili yang lebih senior atau pelanggan anda akan sangat mengagumi prestasi kerja Anda, ada peluang bisa diangkat menjabat posisi penanggung jawab yang penting. Sayangnya sebuah “Bintang sial” lainnya pada waktu ini bisa saja merongrong, mempengaruhi semangat dan tingkat progres kerja anda, akhirnya semuanya bisa sia-sia, peluang yang dihantarkan oleh bintang mujur lolos begitu saja.

Manajemen Keuangan dan Investasi

Pendapatan tahun ini sulit mencapai optimal. Bisa dikarenakan kejadian yang mendadak sehingga menghabiskan uang dalam jumlah besar. Bersamaan itu, nafsu berbelanja mengalahkan akal sehat, sering kali mengeluarkan uang dengan ngawur, sehingga tak dapat menabung. Selain itu, tahun ini ada orang berencana menipu harta milik Anda, apakah ia berhasil atau tidak, semuanya tergantung tekad dan daya analisa Anda.

Asmara dan Perkawinan

Baik bagi yang single atau yang sudah menikah, pada jalur asmara tahun ini jelas terlihat ada keceriaan bak bunga persik, yang single akan berjumpa dengan pasangan idealnya, muda-mudi yang kasmaran merasa bahagia, bagi yang sudah menikah hubungan dengan pasangannya bertambah akrab, tetapi harus memperhatikan diri sendiri untuk jaga jarak dengan teman lawan jenis lainnya.

Kesehatan dan Kehidupan

Tiada gangguan dari bintang penyakit, kesehatan segara garis besar bagus, jikalau bisa mengurangi tekanan dan kerisauan yang tidak perlu, kondisi jiwa dan raga akan lebih ideal.

Arah mujur: Selatan, barat laut, tenggara.

Arah sial: Barat daya, timur.

Warna mujur: Hijau, hitam, coklat.

Warna sial: Putih, Biru.

Angka mujur: 1, 7.

Resep Pembuka Keberuntungan:

1. Letakkan ranjang atau meja kerja di posisi tenggara. Di arah tenggara pasanglah Batu berunsur putih delapan, atau kenakan selalu gelang dengan Batu berunsur putih delapan.

2. Pada posisi barat ruang tamu gantung lukisan berwarna merah, atau di kedua sudut lemari pakaian dalam ruang tidur, masing-masing taruhlah sebuah patung ayam.


Apa Keinginan 12 Zodiak setelah pernikahan ?

Aries :
Berjanji kepada pasangan untuk jujur, mendambakan keluarg yang “transparan”.

Taurus :
Menginginkan keluarga yang nyaman, bisa memilih “orang kaya” sebagai standar.

Gemini :
Membenci kehidupan yang monoton, malahan setelah menikah juga masih seperti pacaran.

Cancer :
Percaya keberuntungan akan datng dari pernikahan, bersedia dirumah mengurus suami mendidik anak.

Leo :
Mengalami kendala dengan aturan tradisional, mengejar kehidupan pernikahan yang mewah meriah.

Virgo :
Memilih pasangan dengan syarat yang baik, karena pernikhan adalah persoalan kenyataan .

Libra :
Tidak menyepelekan tugas rumah dan kerisauan, masih dapat baik-baik menikmati setiap hari.

Scorpio :
Menikmati berdua masa-masa yang indah, adalah keseluruhan dari pernikahan .

Sagitaurus :
Saling menghormati kebebasan dan ruang pasangan, adalah prinsip dasar pernikahan.

Capricornus :
Pekerjaan penuh ambisi, dibutuhkan dorongan dari pasangan yang pengertian dan lemah lembut.

Aquarius :
Begitulah kepribadian masing-masing, pernikahan juga harus ada ketenangan dan prinsip.

Pisces :
Selamanya mengejar perniakahan yang penuh impian sempurna, sering tidak jelas dengan mempinya, tapi setelah menikah dengan sendirinya mengerjakan peranannya.

12 Zodiak yang paling khilaf dalam mengutarakan isi hati

Aries :
Rasa PD yang berlebihan, sok jual tampang bisa membuat kehilangan muka.

Taurus :
Bersikeras ngotot, cara yang memaksa membuat semua orang kikuk.

Gemini :
Tidak cukup stabil dan kokoh, penampilan yang berlebihan bisa membuat malu sendiri.

Cancer :
Sikap hangat yang tidak jelas, malah bisa membuat lawan bicara menjadi salah sangka.

Leo :
Terlalu semau gue dan over PD membuat lawan bicara merasa tersudut dan tidak siap.

Virgo :
Sikap “gila” bisa membuat terkejut lawan bicara.

Libra :
Terlalu banyak tindakan kecil yang tidak penting, malah merusak kencan.

Scorpio :
Sengaja menutupi maksud sesungguhnya, sudah bicara panjang lebar tapi tidak ada intinya.

Sagitaurus :
Berperasaan menduakan, tidak pernah melupakan mantan kekasih.

Capricornus :
Saat mengutarakan kebaikan diri, mengabaikan beberapa hal kecil yang disukai wanita.

Aquarius :
Sikap yang tidak perduli dan cuek, siapa yang bisa tahan ya?

Pisces :
Sikap dan perasaan yang berlebihan bisa mengungkapkan isi hati sendiri yang lemah.

Rahasia Sukses 12 Zodiak

Aries :
Jangan sekali bersikap ragu dan terlalu berambisi, pegang kesempatan.

Taurus :
Berikan diri target baru, adalah waktu untuk melakukan perubahan.

Gemini :
Menjaga sikap merendah, tumbuh kembangkan kekuatan diri yang sebenarnya.

Cancer :
Tahun yang baru, mengurusi perasaan dengan baik sudah separuh keberhasilan.

Leo :
Meneruskan semangat bekerja keras dan serius, sama sekali tidak bersantai.

Virgo :
Kebaikan yang menyatu, mengerti semangat membahagiakan dan membantu orang.

Libra :
Sikap dapat menyesuaikan diri amat bermanfaat, menghindari kerepotan.

Scorpio :
Memegang teguh keyakinan, tidak terpengaruh pandangan orang lain.

Sagitaurus :
Harus menjaga sikap rendah hati, menerima saran pendapat orang lain.

Capricornus :
Teguh pada keyakinan sendiri, harus percaya diri melangkah maju kedepan.

Aquarius :
Manusia harus memastikan menguasai kesempatan, tambah giat lagi.

Pisces :
Jangan bermimpi di siang hari, lepaskan keberanian mengerjakannya pasti akan sukses.

Ox "Shio Kerbau"


1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

Ox Overview (2009)

The Ox can do well this year through steady progress. There may be a number of experiences that will provide great joy for the Ox. One area, in particular, is the Ox's personal life. You may see an addition to the family. You will be surrounded by those who care. Look for the early summer months to attend many social occasions, providing many new faces in your social circle. One area of focus is to be open to the advice of others, as you tend to keep your issues to yourself. Overall, your own year can be one that you will look back on with pride and a genuine sense of achievement.

Ox Rating

52% (3 favorable 5 neutral and 4 unfavorable months)

Ox Career

In 2009, the Oxen will be given many opportunities to further your plans and goals, as well as consolidate your position. Steady progress is the position where the Ox is most comfortable and that is where you will find yourself this year. You will also have a chance to impress and gain support from those around you. This is a good year to enhance your skills and add to your repertoire with added training or study. You will be satisfied in knowing that anything you do this year will repay you in this year and the years to come. The months of May, late August and September may mark a change in your career.

Ox Relationships

2009 will be a year of personal happiness. For the single Ox, there may be a chance to engage in new and meaningful friendships, romance, and possibly even marriage. Others will take comfort in their domestic and social lives. Being an Ox year, this is one that will provide enjoyment for you as long as you allow it. Beware of your strong will and do not allow any minor disagreements to escalate and put a damper on a fine year. May is a month that will highly favor a chance meeting or a heightened level in a relationship.

Ox Health

Health matters don't seem to be too much of a concern for the Ox this year, as you are good at implementing some sort of physical activity into your routine. The Ox's discipline does well to carry over into your health. It never hurts to find ways to improve in this area, so don't discount anything that will improve the quality of your life. Even though there may not be any large issues, stress can be a surmounting factor to be aware.

Ox Wealth

The Ox could enjoy an improvement financially, but you may face a number of large expenses over the year. To maneuver your budget through the year of the Ox, exercise care and sensible spending. It would be wise to seek professional advice when it comes to any speculative ventures or risky investments that create some sense of doubt.

Tiger "Shio Harimau"


1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998

Tiger Overview (2009)

From the outset, 2009 may present some true challenges for the Tiger. The year of the Ox presents an overwhelming influence upon the Tiger to maintain a steady and well disciplined pace. That is not to say that there won't be opportunities for achievement, but it would be more precise to say that this is a year that would benefit the Tiger in the areas of experience and possibly lay a solid foundation for the year to come. You will have to be resourceful and rely on your boldness and quick wit to ascertain anything in the year of the Ox.

Tiger Rating

27% (3 neutral and 9 unfavorable months)

Tiger Career

It would be beneficial to be cautious and careful when it comes to career decisions in the year of the Ox. It would be wise to be aware of the views of those around you, as this is not a year to be too independent in your actions or take any unnecessary risks. Be persistent in your responsibilities to impress others, as this will lead to progress towards your future. For the Tiger seeking a career change, tread through the rough spots and your relentless efforts will be rewarded in surprising ways.

Tiger Relationships

The Tiger's relationship may be one of the more favorable areas this year. You can look forward to some happy times with your loved one this year. Though your domestic life may be busy, it can bring you much satisfaction. Be aware of the fact that those around you hold you in high regard and you may not want to jeopardize these relations by your independence or by being too stubborn. Pay attention to the thoughts and feelings of others in your life and everything should work out well for you.

Tiger Health

The Tiger will not have any serious health problems this year, but there may some minor issues that you may want to pay attention or they could become much worse than originally anticipated. One area of concern is stress. There may be some situations this year that could escalate your stress levels and you may want to find some ways to alleviate this issue. The Tiger enjoys outdoor activities and this could provide an outlet to relieve your stress.

Tiger Wealth

Take caution when it comes to your finances this year, as it is not a time to speculate or take any unnecessary risks. Plan your large purchases carefully and avoid impulse buying. The best advice is to monitor your spending throughout the year and you won't have any problems. This may sound like simple advice, but due to your generous nature, it may not be as simple as it sounds.

Rabbit "Shio Kelinci"


1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999

Rabbit Overview (2009)

The past year may have provided the Rabbit with many challenges and difficult situations, but this year will be a relief. The Rabbit has a very favorable outlook this year. Though it is not part of your usual plan, you may find that being assertive and bold will allow you to achieve unforeseen success. Your attraction to the finer life may lead you to living it. Personal relations are of great value to the Rabbit and will be emphasized throughout the year. Put your best foot forward in the year of the Ox and you will reap many benefits and rewards.

Rabbit Rating

67% (7 favorable and 5 neutral months)

Rabbit Career

This year is one of change. Though the Rabbit is not prone to taking risks, you may benefit greatly from taking bold new steps in finding the career you desire. Complacency in your current job could lead you to such actions. September and October are two months that are favorable for a change. You may want to seek a position that allows you to utilize your social skills and your abilities to relate to people on a personal level. Set your sights high and you will get what you want in this highly favorable year.

Rabbit Relationships

The Rabbit's family and friends will be a source of great pleasure for the you this year. They will offer support, encouragement and will be the wellspring for meaningful and enjoyable times. Personal relations are held in high regard and could be taken to a new level. Rabbits seeking new friends or romance should make an added effort to go out more and come in contact with others-you will be well rewarded for your efforts.

Rabbit Health

The Rabbit should not encounter any major health issues this year, but you may want to take precautions during certain times of the year. The Rabbit's sensitive constitution may leave you vulnerable to colds and flu during the winter months. You may want to get a flu shot during this time and make sure that you get plenty of rest to avoid any setbacks

Rabbit Wealth

The Rabbit should enjoy a new level of wealth. If you are inspired to make a career change, this will prove to be a successful venture financially. You will be particularly pleased with some of your purchases this year, as many could relate to redecorating or changing the appeal of your home. Beware of any risky investments and continue to do the things that accumulate your level of savings.

Dragon "Shio Naga"


1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000

Dragon Overview (2009)

The year of the Ox may slightly hinder the Dragon's independent spirit. There will be gains, but you may have to adapt to situations with different strategies than your usual style. There are three favorable months to provide periods of substantial progress and you would do well to take notice of these times and make the most of the opportunities offered. You will have many situations socially that provide great joy throughout the year. The single Dragon will be happy to know that romance is favored this year, so you may find someone to share your experiences. Be conservative in your spending or it could result in problems next year.

Dragon Rating

40% (3 favorable and 4 neutral and 5 unfavorable months)

Dragon Career

The Dragon's career may be one of the more positive aspects of the year. This will be a year of reasonable progress. Even though the Dragon may have some distinct ideas on what you want to accomplish, 2009 will disclose conditions that you will have to adapt and overcome. You may have to adapt and work with others to gain what you want, rather than doing things in your own independent style. With care and effort, you can make considerable progress and improve your position, but your true gains will be with experience and skills you acquire this year that will prove invaluable in the future.

Dragon Relationships

The Dragon is a social creature and you will invariably relish in the company of others adding enjoyment and pleasure throughout the year. Your family life will offer the support and encouragement you need. You will have to pay attention to your family members feelings by using tact and discretion in vulnerable situations. By not doing so could deteriorate close relations. There will be a number of occasions that will allow you to add to your circle of friends. The single Dragon will be pleased to know that romance is favored.

Dragon Health

The Dragon has an active spirit and it is important that you involve yourself in a number of physical activities to maintain your health. You enjoy being outdoors and you might want to get involved with something that tests your skills and provides a change of scenery, such as rock climbing or hiking. Failure to remain active could result in added stress and emotional swings that could effect your work, as well as your personal life.

Dragon Wealth

The Dragon would do well to pull in the reins on lavish spending and take a more conservative approach this year. You may want to avoid any risky ventures or speculative investments in the year of the Ox. Failure to take care and caution this year could result in future problems. Keep a close watch on your financial situation throughout the year and you may find that you will have times when you can make purchases that coincide with your budget.

Snake "Shio Ular"


1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001

Snake Overview (2009)

The Snake has an incredibly favorable year ahead. The year of the Ox provides many opportunities for the Snake to fulfill long awaited career goals and achieve more than he/she ever imagined. Your wisdom and patience are tools that prove successful in all aspects of your life. Relationships could be taken to new heights and deep and meaningful friendships are acquired. This year proves to be one of action, the year that all of your planning and waiting pay off for you. The later months prove to be especially successful, tying a year of arduous work into an extremely blissful culmination.

Snake Rating

79% (10 favorable and 2 neutral months)

Snake Career

Your wisdom proves to be most resourceful this year, particularly in your career endeavors. Colleagues will admire your input and your opinion will be well respected among business circles. Your work will take you to new levels in your career, as you may see a promotion or a position change that offers you a direction that is more suitable to your skills. March, April and May are strong months for a career change or an upswing in your current position. Be prepared for an outstanding year in your work and don't be surprised if everything you do results in success

Snake Relationships

The Snake's social life will bring a high amount of satisfaction to you this year, as will your family life. Though you tend to be more of a loner, this year will provide occasions that may bring you out of your shell. You have always been a good listener and you will benefit from being more assertive in social situations. More to the point, you may be thrown into a position to be more assertive, rather than volunteering. Your quick thinking will prove to be most useful. Single Snakes may find the romantic relationship they seek, as romance is favored.

Snake Health

The Snake will not suffer any more than minor health issues, but you may want to watch what you eat and make it a point to exercise more often, as these may be areas that you tend to neglect. Your busy work schedule and social endeavors may make it difficult to maintain a regular schedule of exercise, but you can find time here and there to do something active. This will help your heart and may relive stress from a long work week.

Snake Wealth

The Snake will do well with your conservative approach to spending. You have always been disciplined in your finances and this year proves to be no different. If you maintain your frugal manner, you will find that you have accumulated enough by the end of the year to make a large purchase that you have been planning for a long time. If you are in doubt about a particular endeavor, don't hesitate to receive a second opinion before committing.

Horse "Shio Kuda"


1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002

Horse Overview (2009)

The Horse may have a challenging year ahead. You may become frustrated with the lack of progress in your career, but you will have to be patient to see the results of your hard work. Beware of your energy levels, as you tend to swing in accordance to your success. You will have to work hard to steer yourself out of ruts with healthy activities and other projects that keep you active. Take comfort in your loved ones and friends who will provide support for you in times of need. Be open to try new things and heed the advice of others in the year of the Ox.

Horse Rating

32% (4 neutral and 8 unfavorable months)

Horse Career

The Horse may not see the success that you have become accustomed in the year of the Ox. You may have to revise your usual tactics and maintain steady discipline to see small gains. Don't allow the lack of results to steer you away from your efforts, as they may not be apparent until next year. It would be wise to gain the confidence of your co-workers, as they may provide a useful means to furthering your pursuits.

Horse Relationships

It would be wise to take caution in your relations. In order for the Horse to have success with personal relations in the year of the Ox, pay attention to the needs of those around you and listen. Hesitate before expressing what is on your mind to spare the feelings of others. At times, you may be so preoccupied with your own activities that you forget the needs of those around you. Step outside of your own world to take care of the ones you love. The single Horse may have trouble this year finding a meaningful, long lasting relationship.

Horse Health

Hard work doesn't come without a price. Your health may suffer due to stress. You may experience periods of low energy, which may leave your immune system vulnerable. You may find that you need more sleep to maintain a functioning level of vitality. It wouldn't hurt to implement a routine of daily exercise, possibly jogging, to allow your endorphin level to keep you running with a high level of energy.

Horse Wealth

One positive area this year may be with your finances, as long as you spend wisely. Don't succumb to lavish spending or any extravagant whims. Plan your spending throughout this year and you will be able to amass a sum that is suitable for making some improvements in your life in the future. With care, you will do well in your financial matters.

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